
Admissions Process

The Albrook School admission process is designed as an opportunity to acquaint prospective families with the Montessori philosophy of education. The Albrook School has been serving the local community for 42 years and we recognize the importance of establishing a relationship with each family as we partner with you throughout your child’s educational journey. 

Your initial introduction to Albrook begins with a tour. During the tour you will visit a classroom at your child’s level as you are guided by a Montessori certified teacher. After exploring the classroom, you will be able to investigate many of the unique aspects of Albrook; including our multi-purpose Albers Hall, our beautiful classrooms, our professional grade kitchen, our lovely reception area, our many playgrounds and our outdoor heated pools. 

If after you finish your tour, you are as convinced as we are that a Montessori education is the best option for your child, we invite you to move forward with the application process.

The Albrook School community has a diverse population. Our students and faculty come from all parts of the globe. We celebrate both our similarities and differences and offer a broad spectrum of opportunities to embrace the uniqueness in us all. Through events such as International Day, Spirit Day, the Giving Tree, and various community service projects we focus on our interconnectedness and the importance of giving back. Our curriculum in the areas of peace education, anti-bias, social and emotional development and global awareness reinforce these concepts and plant the seeds in our student body. We hope these tiny seeds of curiosity and exploration grow into large crops of tolerance and understanding.

The strong academic foundation you provided her, coupled with the encouragement and opportunities to see her full potential, were instrumental in Audrey becoming who she is today. She has excelled academically, and chose to pursue the most difficult math and sciences whenever possible in high school. I am certain this self-motivation and confidence in STEM subjects would not have been possible without the Albrook evidence. I am very happy to share with you that Audrey has intentions of studying engineering and art at Harvard College. We are so grateful to you The Albrook School. What you do makes a huge difference. Thank you!"
Kathy Cheng
Kathy Cheng